Painting Project Begins This Week

Around Thursday, scaffolding will be setup in the centre/nave of the church in preparation for the painting of the interior of the Church.

Beginning this week, there will be weekly changes to the weekday Mass schedule. Please consult regularly the parish website, postings at the entrances or the weekly bulletin for adjustments or cancellations – especially if you attend weekday Masses regularly.

There will be no change in the Mass schedule for Saturday and Sunday.

Nominations for Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Its role is to advocate this Parish’s spiritual and pastoral mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ throughout our community. The PPC is a group of parishioners across this Blessed Sacrament community that arise together as a passionate and purposeful team that support this Parish’s future direction.

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: It serves as a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods and does not hold any funds of the parish. In particular, the Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in making plans and policies regarding the financial status of the parish.

WHO CAN BE MEMBERS? Anyone in our Blessed Sacrament Parish community can become a member. The membership of both of these councils must be a diverse team representing many different activities in our Parish, coming together to share ideas and their gifts.

Please consider nominating a fellow parishioner or even yourself by completing and submitting this form (open or download here)

Going to 30% capacity on May 30th

This Sunday, May 30th, we begin step 1 of the Government of Saskatchewan’s “Re-Opening Roadmap” which allows an increase in the number of persons who may attend Mass here at Blessed Sacrament Church. Beginning Sunday, we move to 30% of capacity while at the same time maintaining effective health measures including the wearing of masks and proper social distancing.

We will not allow occupancy beyond the limit of 30% capacity, nor do we envision reaching that level at this time. Consequently, we no longer require pre-registration to attend liturgies at Blessed Sacrament Church. So we welcome you back to Mass here, weekends and weekdays, if you feel comfortable doing so and if you do the Covid-19 self-assessment:

If you will be attending Mass at Blessed Sacrament, besides the personal self-assessment, we ask that:

  • you register with your name and telephone number upon entering;
  • you wear a face-mask upon entering and during the entire Mass.
  • you keep proper social-distance – the pews have been carefully restricted to encourage social distancing.
    only members of one household occupy a pew.
  • for communion, please social distance during the communion procession and also wear a face mask during the distribution of communion and removing it only after receiving the host in your hand, stepping to the side and consuming the host before returning to your pew.

The Saskatchewan government has indicated that we are able to move forward with this first step towards reopening because so many Saskatchewan people are doing their part and getting vaccinated, and because we are all following the public health orders and guidelines which all contribute to reduce the spread of this virus. While the decision to be vaccinated is a personal decision, the vaccines are morally acceptable for Catholics, and medical and government officials have deemed these vaccines medically safe and highly effective at saving lives and preventing serious illness. Personally, I hope to receive my second dose of the vaccine in the coming week.

Whether or not you are able to return to a weekend or weekday Mass here at Blessed Sacrament Parish, be assured that you remain in my prayer.


Fr. Jim Hentges,

May 30th • No pre-registration begins

  • Beginning with the Eucharist on Sunday, May 30th, no pre-registration is required to attend Eucharist at Blessed Sacrament.
  • All those attending will be required to “sign-in” with name and contact information.
  • Face masks and social distancing still in effect.
  • Seating in the church will be carefully marked off to encourage social distancing and 30% of capacity is maximum attendance (we do not envision reaching 30% capacity at this time based on previous experience).

Update on Progress toward Reopening

This week, Premier Scott Moe announced that the province has set Sunday, May 30th as the target date for the commencement of Step One in Saskatchewan’s Re-opening Roadmap.
This means that parishes will be able to return to 30 percent of building capacity or 150 people, whichever is less. So, Blessed Sacrament Parish will return to the 30% capacity and this means that pre-registration will not be needed beginning on May 30th at the 10:00 AM Mass.
Please keep in mind that Sunday, May 30th is the earliest that parishes would be able to move to the new capacity level. Our anticipated Mass on Saturday evening (May 29th) at 5:10 PM will need to remain at the 30 person maximum. 
We thank you for your continued patience and we especially appreciate your diligence (and continued diligence) in keeping people safe in the midst of this pandemic.
Please encourage everyone to get vaccinated at the first opportunity. While the decision to be vaccinated is a personal decision, the vaccines are morally acceptable for Catholics and most importantly medically safe and highly effective at saving lives and preventing serious illness.

Fr. Jim Hentges, administrator
with the Parish Pastoral and 
Finance Councils

Message from Blessed Sacrament Parish: Towards Reopening

This week the Premier and Dr. Shahab held a news conference to announce a “roadmap” towards the re-opening of Saskatchewan. While this is exciting news, it is important to be clear that, until noted otherwise, all current health orders and guidelines remain unchanged, including the travel restrictions in and out of the Regina area. The Roadmap does not begin until certain thresholds are met.
Step 1 of the Roadmap begins when the vaccine eligibility is 18+, and 3 weeks after 70% of people 40+ have been vaccinated (at least one dose). In Step 1, places of worship will move back to a limit of 30% of capacity, maximum of 150 persons. As of today, the level is 67% of people 40+. This means that the earliest date when limits on attending Mass at Blessed Sacrament can go above the current 30 persons will probably be the first weekend of June (5th and 6th). Clearly the current level of 30 persons at Mass will be in effect to the end of May.
The Re-Opening Roadmap is based on vaccination levels in Saskatchewan. After a year of following infection rates, it is refreshing and hopeful to look at the daily vaccination rates instead. However, we must realize that there will be a detour on the Roadmap if infection rates do not continue to fall.
More details of the Saskatchewan 3-step Roadmap can be found at this link
We thank you for your continued patience and we especially appreciate your diligence (and continued diligence) in keeping people safe in the midst of this pandemic.
Please encourage everyone to get vaccinated at the first opportunity. While the decision to be vaccinated is a personal decision, the vaccines are morally acceptable for Catholics and importantly medically safe and highly effective at saving lives and preventing serious illness.


Fr. Jim Hentges
with the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council

Pandemic Update

We were alerted on Tuesday that a person who attended the Mass here on Friday February 26th tested positive for covid-19. As requested by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), I submitted the list of those who attended the Mass along with contact telephone numbers. I also submitted information regarding our masking policies, seating situation, PPE, hand hygiene, disinfecting etc.

After reviewing this case, SHA informed us that no one was in “close contact” (according to the health guidelines definition) with the person who tested positive. As a result, there is no need for anyone to self-isolate and there is no need to shut down. However, SHA strongly encourages everyone here to self-monitor for symptoms and if symptoms should develop then one should get tested and self-isolate at that time. Details on this are found at:

SHA also commended us on our covid-19 protocol – and it also made their investigation of this case go smoothly. I think this experience confirms our diligent efforts to disinfect and follow health safety guidelines in our parish. Let’s continue to do so: mask and social distance at all times within the church, and always be considerate in caring for one another. And then we can continue to praise and give thanks to the Lord.

Finally, as SHA has advised everyone, especially those who attended the Mass on February 26th, please self-monitor! SHA also indicated that if you have any symptoms, please get tested, seek medical help if need be, and of course self-isolate at home. But for now, just self-monitor.


Fr. Jim Hentges

Email Sent to All Parishioners – November 28th

Dear Parishioners,

I hope that this finds all of you well.

We understand that these times are difficult for all of us and I wish to remind you that I hold all of you in my prayers, especially at our daily Masses each day. Some of you have come to Church frequently in these past months, while some of you have found it necessary to take the precaution of staying home and keeping safe. I thank all of you for thinking of your neighbour and caring for each other.

SK Health has imposed stricter guidelines for public gatherings in recent weeks because of the dramatic increase in covid-19 cases in the Province. As a result, Blessed Sacrament Parish must implement these norms for attendance at our daily and Sunday Masses. 
Effective immediately:
  • A maximum of 30 persons may attend each Mass.
  • Face mask must be worn at all times (from the time one enters the Church until one has exited the Church.
  • Those attending must sign in upon entering the Church.
  • Pre-registration is required for Saturday or Sunday Mass beginning with the weekend of December 5 & 6.
  • No pre-registration is necessary at this time for the weekday Mass at 12:05 PM.
  • You may pre-register for Saturday or Sunday Mass by contacting the Parish Office during office hours (Tuesday to Friday, 1-4 PM).
Note: for this weekend, Nov 28 & 29, we did not have the time to set up pre-registration, so only the first 30 persons arriving may attend this weekend.
As the pandemic becomes more and more serious here in Regina, I assure you that we are taking all of the necessary precautions. When even stricter health guidelines are imposed, be assured that we will follow them closely here at all times.
Disinfecting and Sanitizing the Church

  • We have been very diligent in preparing and maintaining our parish church in this pandemic. Each day before Mass, Simon, our caretaker, thoroughly disinfects the entire area for the congregation in the church. This process involves spraying the pews from a pump spray and then wiping down the pew surface. Additionally, many of you have been using sprayers to wet surfaces and cloths to wipe the surfaces down.
  • Recently, we obtained better disinfecting equipment and started using a process which will disinfect/sanitize the church more effectively.We now have a handheld battery operated electrostatic ULV sprayer which will disperse a disinfectant which covers the surfaces and kills those airborne viruses. This sprayer not only is for disinfection of the surfaces, but also for purifying the air. We have also moved to a disinfectant which will be less damaging to hard surfaces (e.g. pews).

Advent and Christmas
During these seasons:

• We will schedule some opportunities for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick – Anointing of the Sick. On Tuesdays, December 8th and 22nd, anointing of the sick will be available after the 12:05 PM Mass. Pre-registration will be required for these Masses and the anointing.
• Communal Penance Services will be scheduled at 5:10 PM on Tuesday, December 15th and 22nd. Pre-registration will be required for these services.
Since the situation of the pandemic at Christmas time is still uncertain, we will announce a schedule later in December. But we will try to accommodate all parishioners who wish to attend in person.
Live/Recorded Streaming of Mass
We are working diligently to provide a daily streaming of Mass from Blessed Sacrament. We hopefully will be streaming on a variety of platforms. For now, watch our YouTube channel or go to our parish website for the link to the streaming when available. Coming Soon!

Finally, I urge you to check in on our Blessed Sacrament website throughout this period for updates and also to obtain the weekly Parish Bulletin.

Thank you for your support for our Church and for being part of our Blessed Sacrament family.

May the Lord be with you always and His gracious peace remain in your hearts,

Fr. Jim

Blessed Sacrament Parish
2049 Scarth Street
Regina SK S4P 2H5

Cell: +1 306.351.3064
Email: [email protected]

Mass schedule at Blessed Sacrament Church.

We have returned to this schedule at Blessed Sacrament Church.
Mass Schedule:
  • 12:05 PM Monday to Friday
  • 5:10 PM Saturday
  • 10:00 AM Sunday

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Monday to Friday after Masses (and other times by request or appointment)
  • The north door opens only 30 mins before each Mass (we must sanitize the church before each Mass).
  • You do not need to write or call us to register for Mass but please sign your name on the attendance sheet at the entrance to the Church and social distance at all times.
  • Please bring your own mask which is required to be worn by EVERYONE as you approach the priest or Eucharistic minister for communion in the hand. 
  • It is OK to stay away especially if you are ill or are a vulnerable person health-wise. It is better to be cautious for your own protection and for the protection of others in these difficult times. Remember that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in place as granted by Archbishop Donald Bolen previously.
Also note the following:
The North door entrance to the Church will be used and will open 30 minutes before each Mass. At the entrance of the church you will be asked:

  • to place/write your name on a list of attendees;
  • if you completed the self-assessment above;
  • if you have a mask for communion (masks will be available for those without one);
  • and not to linger after Mass or in groups.

Upon entering the church you must: 

  • use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance and in other locations in the church; 
  • not touch your face;
  • sit in designated areas in the church (those of the same household may sit together);
  • maintain the 2m physical distancing, from others not from your household, at all times; and
  • a mask is required for communion which is given only in the hand by the priest or Eucharistic minister (who will also wear a mask).

Your cooperation will allow us to celebrate safely. Our sincere appreciation to everyone in advance.

Fr. Jim and the Blessed Sacrament Parish Pastoral Council
Check the Parish website for more information:
Blessed Sacrament Parish
2049 Scarth St.
Regina SK S4P 2H5
Office Tel: (306) 522 7422


 We are excited to be able to open our doors to our Parish Community.

Please read the following before returning to the church.

Dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in place as granted by Archbishop Donald Bolen in his letter dated March 18, 2020.

Self-Assessment All those attending Mass do so at their own risk. It is important for individuals and families to take responsibility for protecting themselves and others.

The following must stay home for the sake of the wider community:

  • People with COVID-19 or who live with someone with COVID-19.
  • People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
  • The sick and those with symptoms of illness, especially upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms. Individuals with fever, cough, headache, aches & pains, sore throat, chills, runny nose, loss of sense of taste/smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, should remain at home. 
  • Those who have recently travelled outside of Canada.

The following are encouraged to stay home for the sake of the wider community:

  • People who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.
  • People, especially the elderly, with underlying or compromised medical conditions.
  • Family members who live with elderly people or those who are at risk.
  • Those having travelled to a location with a high number of known, active, cases of COVID-19.

At the entrance of the church (enter by north entrance only) you will be asked:

  • to place/write your name on a list of attendees;
  • if you completed the self-assessment above;
  • if you have a mask for communion (masks will be available for those without one);
  • and not to linger after Mass or in groups.

Upon entering the church you must: v use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance and in other locations in the church; 

  • not touch your face;
  • sit in designated areas in the church (those of the same household may sit together);
  • maintain the 2m physical distancing, from others not from your household, at all times; and
  • a mask is required for communion which is given in the hand by the priest.

Other notes:

  • Washrooms will be available for emergency use only.
  • Please bring and wear your own mask and bring wipes to wipe down your seating area.
  • Collection baskets will be placed at the entrance/back of the church.

Your cooperation will allow us to celebrate safely.

Our sincere appreciation to everyone in advance.

This document may be viewed and downloaded here – download here.

Regular Schedule of Masses at Blessed Sacrament

We have returned to the regular Mass schedule:

    • Monday to Friday 12:05 PM
    • Saturdays, 5:10 PM
    • Sundays, 10 AM

Though there is a limit at this time on the number of people who can attend (30% of capacity assuring safe distancing), we do not expect to reach or go over the limit. So, there is no need to register before attending the Mass. Also, because cleaning and disinfecting must be done before each Mass, we will open the doors of the Church only 20 minutes before Mass.

Church Visitation: You may visit the Church for prayer each day after weekday Masses until 3 PM. The Church will also be open on Sunday until 3 PM.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions will be available after Mass Monday through Saturday.

For Attending Mass during the Pandemic:

  • Please register your name with an attendant as you enter the church (by north entry only).
  • You MUST wear a face mask when moving around in the church and approaching others. We suggest that a mask be worn as much as possible but it is required during the communion procession.
  • Please sit in the restricted area and keep a safe distance from others – two metres apart (at least a pew between). Those of one household may sit together.
  • Please progress to communion from the rear pews, wear a mask and keep a safe distance.
  • Approach the priest distributing communion wearing a mask after the previous person has left. Hold out your hand to receive communion, step aside 2 meters, and consume the host which has been given to you (you may need to lift your mask).

The above requirements follow the guidelines of the Government of Saskatchewan.

Mass at Blessed Sacrament • 30 Persons Participating beginning June 8th

We are now allowed to celebrate the Eucharist with up to 30 parishioners in attendance beginning on June 8th. And so, with that number, we return to our regular schedule of Mass:

  • Saturday, 5:10 PM
  • Sunday, 10:00 AM
  • Monday to Friday, 12:05 PM

Because we need to sanitize and disinfect the worship area before each Mass, the Church will open at 20 minutes before the scheduled time of Mass.

Also, it is important that you register ahead of time with the parish office (by telephone, email message or a note left at the office). This is because there is still a limit on the number of persons who can attend and also because we are required to have the names of those attending (this would be for contact-tracing if it would become necessary for health purposes.

We would like to emphasize that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still in effect.

We must also adjust the time when the church is open for visitation. Beginning June 8th, the Church remains open for private prayer, Sunday through Friday, immediately after the scheduled Mass until  3:00 PM.

Once again, thank you to all of you for your patience, courage, and charity. Your prayers and donations are much appreciated.

Fr. Jim

Do I hear the Shepherd’s Voice?

A reflection on this coming Sunday’s Gospel – 4th Sunday of Easter

from Br. Antonio D. Sison, CPPS of the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

March 1996, Abbey of Our Lady of Atlas, Tibhirine, Algeria. Eight French monks are gathered around a U-shaped table with some bread. One of them plays the tape player; we hear Tchaikovsky’s grand theme from the ballet Swan Lake incongruously filling the austere dining room. He then takes two bottles of red wine and brings them to the table to share among them. As the monks quietly savor the wine, we see their aging faces in close-up: careworn and deeply furrowed, each face becomes a canvas of conflicting emotions; tears roll down cheeks, seemingly, to drown out whatever discernible smile that remains.

The profoundly moving scene is from the acclaimed French film Of Gods and Men (Dir. Xavier Beauvois, 2010), the true-to-life story of Trappist missionary monks who were kidnapped and murdered by Algerian fundamentalists in the crossfire between them and government forces.

In the film, the “last supper” scene marks the culmination of an intense period of discernment for the monks, a protracted struggle to hear the Shepherd’s voice. In earlier scenes, they gather together to pray and to weigh their options carefully before coming to a communal decision whether to leave the Abbey in Tibhirine or to stay. Leaving means saving their own lives while abandoning the Muslim community they’ve been serving for years; staying means continued solidarity with the community but facing the very real risk of being killed in the escalating violence. Deciding to abide in their mission to serve the people they have come to love, the monks, ultimately, lay down their lives for their Muslim sisters and brothers.

According to the Gospel for this fourth Sunday of Easter, the flock is able to perceive the promptings of their own shepherd and follow his lead: “When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice.” (John 10:4) To hear the Shepherd’s voice clearly and audibly, how we all wish this were the case in our lives. But we know that earnest prayer and discernment is the way for us to have a sense of “God’s wisdom,” and how we are to proceed.

Although not many of us will come to a point where our enlightened decisions could lead to martyrdom like the Trappist monks of Tibhirine who are now beatified and en route to canonization, we are nonetheless called to serious discernment about many of our life choices as well. We hear and know the Shepherd’s voice as a peaceful conviction in the hidden regions of the heart. Then we choose to do the right thing.

In the eye of the “perfect storm” of a worldwide pandemic, we are moved and humbled by the masked faces of medical doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers in the frontlines, for whom following the Shepherd’s voice may well mean abiding in their mission to save lives, with a very real risk of losing their own. We often cannot see the conflicting emotions in their faces, but we are aware of the enormous sacrifices they make each day for the sake of their call.

Whether to frontline in hospitals to attend to a huge influx of patients, or to diligently observe the protocols of social distancing and sheltering-in-place in order to give the most vulnerable members of society a fighting chance, the sheep who truly recognize the voice of the Shepherd will choose to do the right thing.

“Do I hear the Shepherd’s voice?”
Facing the unprecedented challenges of our current reality, may we ask ourselves this question each day.

4th Sunday of Easter Readings:
First Reading: Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Responsorial Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6
Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:20b-25
Gospel: John 10:1-10