Nominations for Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Its role is to advocate this Parish’s spiritual and pastoral mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ throughout our community. The PPC is a group of parishioners across this Blessed Sacrament community that arise together as a passionate and purposeful team that support this Parish’s future direction.

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: It serves as a consultative body to the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods and does not hold any funds of the parish. In particular, the Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in making plans and policies regarding the financial status of the parish.

WHO CAN BE MEMBERS? Anyone in our Blessed Sacrament Parish community can become a member. The membership of both of these councils must be a diverse team representing many different activities in our Parish, coming together to share ideas and their gifts.

Please consider nominating a fellow parishioner or even yourself by completing and submitting this form (open or download here)