Adam & Andrea baptize their son
Saturday Evening Mass – July 4, 2015
Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
Photos: Courtesy of Paula Amante
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Knights of Columbus Santo Nino Council #12415
Presider: Glen Piotrofsky, District Deputy
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
The Easter Vigil celebration is the most important of all celebrations because on this night, the world was redeemed. It is the Lord’s vigil, celebrated in honour of his resurrection. It is known as the “mother of all vigils.” There are four parts to the liturgy. The vigil this year is abundantly special at Blessed Sacrament Parish because Loretta, Hansini & Lief are celebrating the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
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The first part, the Rite of Light, reminds us in several ways that Christ is the light of the cosmos. We begin with the blessing of the new fire and the lighting of the paschal candle. During the procession with this candle, we are called to respond by singing, “Thanks be to God”, when we hear the words, “Christ Our Light.” Our own candles are lit from this one candle. Then comes the singing of the Easter Proclamation, which points out how great the Messiah is who has redeemed us from our sin.
The second part, the Liturgy of the Word, is the telling of the story of our salvation history. We begin with the story of the creation, the first reading from Genesis. We continue with the reading from Exodus, next we hear the reading of the Prophet Isaiah. A responsorial Psalm and a prayer will follow each of these readings. Before we hear the first New Testament reading, from Paul to the Romans, we sing the Glory to God. Before the Gospel we sing the solemn alleluia, a word, which we have not heard since Ash Wednesday. We then hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
The third part of the liturgy is devoted to the blessing of new water and baptism, reminding us of our own baptism. Adult catechumens are baptized and candidates are welcomed into the parish community. After their profession of faith with the assembly and their confirmation, we renew our own baptismal promises, since in baptism each one of us shared in the dying and rising of Jesus through our own dying to sin and rising to new life. The sprinkling is a reminder of the water of our baptism.
The fourth part is the Liturgy of the Eucharist and we now move from fasting to seven weeks of Easter feasting. The new neophytes, who were just baptised and received into full communion with the Church, will share for the first time in the sacred banquet of the Eucharist, and we all go forth singing alleluias.
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“I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”
Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
• Reception of the Oil of The Sick, Oil of Catechumens & Oil of Chrism blessed by Archbishop Bohan at Holy Rosary Cathedral during the Chrism Mass.
• Washing of The Feet after the homily. In the spirit of the Holy Gospel to honour Christ, who came to serve and not to be served.
• Special Collection for Papal Charities.
• Celebration of the Holy Eucharist in remembrance of the Lord’s Supper, then stripping of the Altar & Tabernacle until Easter Vigil.
• Transfer of Holy Eucharist for Adoration in commemoration of the Lord’s Agony in The Garden of Gethsemani.
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Loretta, Hansini & Lief
Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
The rite of acceptance follows a stage of inquiry and introduction into the Christian faith for adults discerning and preparing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. At this liturgical rite the candidates express their desire to enter the beginning of the catechumenate stage. The parish of Blessed Sacrament accepts their intention to respond to God’s call to follow the way of Christ.
The period of the catechumenate is a time for nurturing and growth of the catechumen’s faith, their relationship with Christ and conversion to God. Those who are not yet Christians, with the help of the Holy Spirit open their hearts so they can be freely converted to Jesus and commit themselves sincerely to him. For he who is the way, the truth and the life fulfills all their spiritual expecations, indeed infinitely surpasses them.
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Married September 6, 2014
Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
Leif & Stephanie Wedding Gallery
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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Presider: Rev. Barry J. Anwender
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