Shelter Me • a prayer-song during the pandemic

A good friend, Fr. Michael Joncas, has composed a prayer-song for this moment of the COVID-19 pandemic. He used the shepherding psalm, PS 23, with a first verse looking to past intimacy with God, a third verse anticipating a restoration of that intimacy, and a central verse acknowledging that we are “walking in the valley of the shadow of death”. I found it comforting as well as beautiful. I hope you do too.

On YouTube:


Collection for the Holy Land 2020

From the Congregation for the Eastern Churches (Vatican):

The current COVID-19 pandemic concerns many countries and in many of them preventive measures preclude the normal community celebration of Holy Week. The Christian communities in the Holy Land, also exposed to the risk of contagion and living in contexts already full of serious sufferings, benefit every year from the generosity of the faith fully from all over the world. This solidarity enables them to continue their evangelical presence, in addition to maintaining schools and social structures that assist all citizens with healthcare, education and peaceful coexistence, attending above all to the weakest and poorest.

For this reason, Pope Francis has approved the proposal that the Collection for the Holy Land, for the year 2020, take place on Sunday, September 13th, near the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The celebration that commemorates the discovery of the Relics of the Cross by Saint Helen also marks a new beginning of public worship in Jerusalem, with the construction of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. May it be a sign of hope and salvation after the Passion to which many peoples are now associated, as well as solidarity with those who continue to live the Gospel of Jesus on the Land where “it all began”.

Giving–How to Donate to Blessed Sacrament

Giving–How to Donate to Blessed Sacrament

On the right side of our website, the following information is available for helping you support your parish! 

During this difficult time, your parish needs you! Even though public health directives do not allow communities to gather for Masses, parishes still need funds to survive. Here are some ways to continue to support your parish through this crisis.
  • Pre-authorized Direct Debit: click HERE to complete and submit form.

               *Note: In message field please include parish nametownyour address and phone number so we can send you a tax receipt.

  • Off-Line: mail your cheque to Archdiocese of Regina, 445 Broad St. N., Regina, SK  S4R 2X8, ATTN: Parish Donation
  • By Phone: contact Financial Officer Deacon Barry Wood at 306-519-8997.
  • Credit Card Donations via CanadaHelps: Click HERE   CanadaHelps Logo

             *Note: In the message box, please indicate your parish name and town.

Processing of payments made possible through the Archbishop’s Appeal

Private Prayer in Church during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Questions & Answers

Can I go to Blessed Sacrament Church to pray privately?

  • At the current time and under certain conditions, yes. This may change at any time depending on local public health information and directives.

Personal conditions: You can go to church to pray if you:

  1. have not traveled out of country or out of Saskatchewan in the last 2 weeks;
  2. are not elderly, do not have underlying medical conditions, and are not a healthcare worker; and
  3. have no signs of illness, either yourself or in your household.

*Important Note: It takes time for symptoms to appear after COVID-19 exposure. Also, some of those who are infected show no symptoms at all. It is safest to assume you are infected, and to work to avoid transmitting the illness to others.

Church conditions: You can go to church to pray if:

  1. Blessed Sacrament Church is open from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM daily (7 days).
  2. you use hand sanitizer upon entry and ensure that your area of the pew is sanitized before and after prayer;
  3. you avoid touching surfaces with your hands or passing items from person to person; and
  4. you leave at least 2 metres of space between you and others.

What if personal or church conditions do not allow you to pray in church?

  • You are not alone. Our entire faith community is sharing this suffering. Our Lord, who dwells in our hearts, is always with us.
  • While we wait for our beloved churches to welcome us back once this trying time is over, we can meditate on the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:6:
  • But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.