Wednesday daily Mass of Holy Week available on Zoom app

For Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week at 4 pm Fr. Jim and the staff at Blessed Sacrament are celebrating the Mass virtually . You are invited to join Fr. Jim for daily Mass by joining a as participant in Zoom app conference call at 4:00 pm today. You can join  by clicking the link below, or copy and pasting it into your web browser, and it should open on your computer or smartphone. Depending on what kind of browser you’re using (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc) it may advise you to download the program or the app.
Topic: Wednesday Daily Mass of Holy Week
Time: Apr 8, 2020 04:00 PM Saskatchewan
Join Zoom Meeting
If it prompts you to enter a Meeting ID and password, the following information is here:
Meeting ID: 681 687 253
Password: 046337
God Bless, and please email [email protected] if you have any further questions.